easy wedding planning

Sample #3

How To Plan A Wedding - A Nice Way To Enjoy

The first person you want to enjoy your planning with is of course your lover.

You are working on this project together to create your compelling future. Yet sometimes, you will probably face disagreements along the planning. This is normal, because your views of life are different in certain ways. As planning a wedding may turn to be a slightly difficult time for some couples, I recommend you spend high moments together on every opportunity.

The champagne ritual

One thing you might do is planning regular "champagne celebrations".

First, buy a crate of champagne. Yes, a whole crate just for the two of you (maybe it's because I am French, but I particularly love this part ;-)

Then, set yourself certain goals in your planning. These could be anything from  finding the dress you want to having the caterer sorted, or managed 5 budget cuts...

Finally, for each of these steps you accomplish, spend an hour with your lover around a nice bottle. Believe me, this thing will not cost you much compared to the pleasure of enjoying such private moments together... and it will make your days more exciting!

Not to mention you'll be looking forward to opening the next bottle, which will energize you for the rest of your planning...

(Continued in the book...)


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